Wednesday, February 13, 2013

New Name, Fresh Start

You may have noticed that I changed the name of my blog, I feel like this new Title really fits with my life lately. God has been teaching me to find beauty in the brokenness of life and all around me. I have learned to find beauty in places where you would never think to look.

I finally had a chance to read a few more chapters of Battlefield of the Mind and this is what I learned:

  • Unbelief always produces misery. 
  • Psalm 107:20 "He sends forth His word and heals them and rescues them from the pit and destruction"  (emphasis added).
  • As Christians, we need to learn to decide to believe.
  • As children of God, one of the privileges we have is believing the impossible.
  • We will get from the Word of God what we put into it.
  • If we want to do what the Word of God says, we must spend time thinking about it.
  • Practice makes perfect, whey do expect Christianity to be any different?
  • If you want to be a success and to prosper in all your dealings, the Bible says yo must meditate on the Word of God day and night. 
  • Our thoughts certainly affect our attitudes and moods.
So what does all this mean to me? I have learned that when I doubt God or don't believe His Word I am miserable and lacking faith. I am so thankful that the Lord has rescued me from the pit that I was in! I need to chose to believe Christ, I also have the option to chose to not believe (scary!). I can't just quickly read God's Word and not really think about it and expect to get this amazing revelation. I need to mediate on the Word and let it soak in. If I want to be a doer of the Word and not just a hearer then I must spend time with it and think about it. I am not perfect and I need to keep practicing the things God has for me in His Word. I need to take every thought captive to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). What I think about will affect how I act. 

What is the Lord teaching you?

1 comment:

R's Rue said...

Lovely post!


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