Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dells Get Away

I went on a much needed Day trip with some great friends to the Dells. It is a tourist town that is town for its water parks. We went on the famous "ducks" which is a boat/bus that can travel on both land and water, hence the name Duck. We also walked the strip, had lunch at a nice diner and did some mini golfing. It was so nice to get away from work and everything else and just have some fun!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Independence Day!

This year my goal for celebrating the 4th of July was to see as many firework shows as possible, I made it to 3! (I was pleased with that!). The first night I went to a show in a very small town but it was a very good show! I went with a dear friend of mine who I am honored to be a bridesmaid in her wedding this September! The second show was in the town I am moving to in a few weeks! It was a very short show and a little disappointing. The third show was by far my favorite because it was with some amazing friends and involved watching the fireworks from a boat!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday as well!



Thursday, July 25, 2013

June Visit

So this post is long over due but better late than never! The end of June was a very sweet time for me because my sister came for a visit. My sister and her family moved to Michigan last August so it was almost a year since I had last seen her and her sweet baby boy who is now one! My sister came down for a few days for my cousins wedding and then my mom and I went to see where she lived and stayed with her for a few days. I miss my nephew so much already! Here are some pictures from my cousins wedding.

And a few randoms from the visit, including a picture of all three of my nephews, I love being an Auntie!

What a great way to end June!

I hope you are having a wonderful summer my friends!




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