Friday, April 19, 2013

A New Adventure

I am so excited that I finally bought my first DSLR camera this week! I got the Nikon 3100, I know it's not the best but it is an excellent camera for people starting out, amateur photographers! I am so thrilled to learn    how to use it and to begin taking pictures! I am also looking forward to entering the world of editing! I am not looking to start my own business, just to have some fun and make some wonderful memories as I go.

When I was a student I never had time to do the things I wanted to. I also felt guilty if I wasn't studying or working on my homework and in my "free time" I was working to help pay for school. Since graduating, I realized that I had time for hobbies again! That was both exciting and scary because believe it or not, I didn't know what I liked anymore! I had so much time and nothing to do with it! I of course spent time with family and friends but when people asked what I did for fun, I honestly didn't know what to say.

I started developing an interest in photography a few years ago, I had my little point and shoot camera. But over the past year I developed camera fever! I longed to take beautiful images that I knew could only come from having the right equipment. Now if only the weather would actually turn into spring, I could go out exploring, new camera in hand! Seriously  It is April and we are still getting snow here in Wisconsin, when will the madness end!

You can expect to see a lot more photo's on my blog and more posts!

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