Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Forgiveness & Prayer

This summer I've been meeting up with a group of ladies every Monday night for a Bible Study and it has been so great! At the beginning of summer I didn't know these ladies very well but over the summer that has changed. I'm excited every Monday to hear how their week has gone and how I can be praying for them. I have been challenged through this study as well, which is always a good thing! This week our "assignment" is to forgive somebody we need to forgive. Doesn't sound too hard on the surface but actually doing it has proven to be difficult. The person I chose to forgive has hurt be a great deal and I'm not even sure if they realize they have. A part of me wants to be selfish and stay angry and with hold forgiveness ..... but who am I to with hold forgiveness from someone? Why do I think that I am so superior to this person and therefore I can make an exception and not forgive this person. Ouch! This is not a pretty place to be and I don't like being here!

So this week I am on my knees praying hard to my heavenly Father because I need His help with this one. I can not do this alone. Speaking of prayer, I haven't been as diligent and as faithful as I would like to be with my prayer life. I want to be know as a "prayer warrior." So my friends and fellow bloggers, how can I be praying for you this week? I recently started reading this book called "Let Prayer change your life" by Becky Tirabassi and it is amazing, I find it so hard to put down. In fact I think I'm going to read some more right now!

Have a lovely Wednesday!


Natalie said...

Sounds like a great read! You could pray for a smooth move for me this weekend as it's the first week of this semester =)

Valerie said...

Will do dear sister in Christ!

Anonymous said...

I struggle with prayer all the time!


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