So I realized I haven't done a faith post in a while and wanted to share a few things that have spoken to me lately but first let me tell you about my morning .... I am going to Africa in September on a missions trip and you are required to get certain shots before you can even enter Africa. I went today to get them thinking no big deal. I have never had problems getting shots before, in fact I usually watch the nurse as she is injecting me. Today I decided not to look, immediately after the shots I felt like I was going to pass out and throw up! The nurse jumped into action and got help. I had a fan on me, an ice pack on my neck, the nurse yelling to keep my head down and yelling to another nurse to get me juice and a granola bar. My blood pressure dropped to 76/48! (120/80 is considered normal). After all this quick action I was ok and my pressure went back up although my arms are sore! So after all this embarrassment I go to pay for the visit and realized I had taken my check book out last night and forgot to put it back in my purse! Thankfully they took a check card. Oh boy, and all this happened before noon today!
A quote I wanted to share is: "Sin happens when we believe lies about God instead of Gods Word and when we worship idols instead of worshipping God." Wow, how simple and true. How quick am I to believe the lies of this world and put away what Gods' Word says is truth! How easily I forget all the promises God has given me! How quick am I to worship someone else or something else instead of the one true God? This quote definitely has gotten me thinking.
The next paragraph stated this-
We need to:
-Trust God instead of believing lies =
- Worship God instead of worshiping idols =
Behind every sin is a lie (Romans 1:24-25)
Well there you go, a few thoughts that were running through my head. I hope your day is blessed and not to
hot! Where I live with the heat index it will feel like 105-115 degrees!
A sneak peak of a picture from my trip to North Dakota! More to come! |
So true! One of my favorite quotes by John Piper talks about how behind every sin is a lie we're believing about Him.
I had to get 6 shots before my trip! I'm so excited to hear how your trip goes! What are you doing there? How long will you be there? I hope you like Africa. I absolutley loved it and want to go back. :)
I will be working at the Ruth Center, a facillity for girls ages 14-19. These girls have had tough lives, at the Ruth Center they are taught a trade so they can support themselves and are taught about God. I will be teaching them about basic hygeine, first aid and caring for children. I will be there for 2 weeks!
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