Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Birthday!

What is it about a birthday that just makes the whole day seem brighter? Today at 11:59am I turned 23 years old! Wow, where did the time go? Seriously!? While I don't always feel like I do a lot, I decided today to reflect on what I have done in my life. I graduated from high school with honors, I am a recent college graduate. As of July 1, 2010 I am a Registered Nurse. I am a daughter, a sister (older & younger), I am an auntie, a godmother, a granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, and my favorite a child of God! While at times I question, what am I doing with my life? Where am I going? Today I will chose to think about all of the wonderful things that have happened in my life because it is so much better than looking at all the bad.

23 years ago I was born during the worst snow blizzard of the year! It was so bad that I was on the news! The headline "Although the mailman couldn't make it, the stork still could!" I love winter time and snow, this may have something to due with being a December baby. I also love this time of year where people are happier, they go out of their way to be nice to others that they wouldn't normally be nice to. I love Christmas music too! I love looking at all the Christmas lights and even the busyness of the stores. I love Christmas shopping and just watching how people get so excited because they get to give their loved ones something wonderful.

Although Jesus was probably not actually born on what we call Christmas day, I still love celebrating His birth! It is so much more than just a story of a baby in a manger! The Son of God came down to earth, to live as a man. He did this for you and me, because He loves us so much! Jesus knew He would die a painful death on the cross and be hated and persecuted by many but His love was so much greater than all that! Father, thank-you for sending your precious Son, Jesus to do what I could never do!

For my birthday my mother bought me this beautiful luggage, it is blue with pink Polk a dots! I simply love it! And I bet I won't have to worry about anyone having the same luggage as me! I desire to travel and see the world! I hope one day this will bring me to Africa, my dream is to bring the Good news to those there and help them practically with my nursing skills. Here is a picture of my luggage so you can enjoy it with me!

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