Saturday, October 29, 2011

Snap, Crackle & Pop

Snap and Jasmine

Crackle and Snap
The Marian Crew!

Snap, Crackle & Pop (Rice Crispies!)

The girls before heading over to the party!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Freedom Reigns

This is currently my favorite worship song! Freedom Reigns by Jesus Culture. What is your favorite?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Do you ever feel like your mind is a whirlwind of too many thoughts and things to do? That is how I feel, ever since I got back from Africa I have been so crazy busy! I shouldn't complain because the busyness is all good things! It's just that sometimes there is just so much that I feel like I don't have enough time to process anything before I'm running off to the next thing. So much has changed in the past month and I am so excited to see where God is taking me on this journey, only sometimes I feel like I freeze and can't move. I can see a path in the distance but it seems so hard to actually get there!

For the past 5 or so years of my life I thought I was going to be a full time missionary to Africa, working as a nurse missionary. A month ago I went to Africa on a missions trip and taught health classes. While I was there I knew God was speaking to me however, I didn't like what He had to say, or at least not at first. So, you know what I did? I argued with Him, yup that's right God and I were having a disagreement, looking back on it is silly to think that I was actually arguing with the One who created me, my Lord and Saviour, the perfect One. What was the argument you ask? Missions, God was telling me that while I love Africa, this was not the mission field He was calling me to, I would not be serving there full time like I have been dreaming about! At first I was angry, mad and hurt, I thought God, how can you say no? I am doing this for you! I love you and want to serve you here! You know I love missions! What do you mean no?

God gently replied, I'm not telling you no to missions, I'm saying no to Africa. This confused me for a while, until I was back in the States, then it hit me, my mission field is right where I am, God showed me what I am truly passionate about and that is college students! I want to continue to be a part of the lives of college students and help lead them in their faith or to God if they don't know Him. So where does this all leave me? I am currently praying about interning with an organization called Campus Crusade for Christ. I love this group and what it does. I am excited to pray about and look into becoming more involved in this organization and most importantly doing what God has called me to do!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Health 101

In Africa we each had our own subject we were going to teach the girls at the school. I am a Registered Nurse so I thought it would be appropriate that I teach something health related. Only problem was, I hate public speaking, I hate being the center of attention and having all eyes focused on me! Good thing God is so amazing, He gave me the strength to overcome and I was able to teach some basic but helpful health classes to girls who were so eager to learn anything and everything I had to say.

Basic hand washing ... One of the girls told me that she use to not care about washing her hands but after I taught her the importance of proper hand washing and preventing the spread of germs she is now really careful to make sure she washes her hands really well! I was really touched by that comment! Who knew something so little to me would be so big to her!
How to rescue a choking baby! These girls absolutely loved the doll or "baby Emily" as we named her. They had never had a doll growing up and they were so excited to hold baby Emily!
How to bandage a wound. I also taught how to treat burns and the importance of getting enough sleep. I couldn't have asked for a better class! These girls are truly amazing and I wish you could meet each one of them because I just know you would love them as much as I do!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Beautiful Girls

Theses are the beautiful girls I had the privilege of ministering to in Africa, aren't they so beautiful? Their joy for the Lord is so contagious. I love all of them and miss their smiling faces and their laughter ... Oh these girls could laugh! This picture was taken after Church on the second Sunday we were in Africa.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Getting away!

I'm so excited tomorrow is Friday!! This week has been tough, I got really sick on Tuesday and am still recovering. It was 80 degrees out and I had on two shirts, a sweatshirt and was wrapped up in tons of blankets and was still freezing!!! I had to skip my small group that night because I couldn't even get out of bed. Yesterday was a little better, I didn't go to work but I was able to go to my bible study that night and today I went to work and to CRU.

I'm so excited that I have this weekend off and I am going on a fall retreat with CRU (campus crusade for Christ). It is going to be so nice to get away from everything and have a time with friends I haven't had a chance to see in a while and worship God and hear from some amazing speakers!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Team

So here it is, my first official post about Africa and I want to start it out my introducing you to the wonderful women I served with for 2 1/2 weeks!

I'm in the yellow on the left, than it's Victoria, Brenda, Bobbi-jo, Julie and Wanda. These are some wonderful ladies! I am a registered nurse so I taught health classes, Victoria and Bobbi-jo taught jewelry making, Bobbi-jo also cleaned the girls teeth (she is a dental hygienist), Julie taught the girls how to sew a purse and Wanda taught the girls how to sew a quilt. Brenda is the missionary who lives in Benin, West Africa. The picture above was taken at a restaurant. (which also was the only toilet between Cotonou where we flew into all the way to Parakou which is the city we worked in. It was about a 7 hour drive!) Now that you have met the team stay tuned for posts about the rest of the trip!


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